We’ve Moved!

We moved everything in our car with the help of big Rubbermaid containers that we already had and one week’s worth of flyers that we brought back and forth between the old and new apartments to wrap up delicate items for each trip.

And we’re finally in our new apartment!

First, I am very proud that we found any furniture that we were missing on Craigslist, second hand, and without packaging. We got a coffee table, two sets of drawers for the office, a big coat hanger to put by the door, and a blackboard that we put at the door with hooks for our keys and a place for the mail.

Sadly, we had to buy a couple of things with packaging: a shower curtain with rings, a new toilet seat, (made of recycled wood!), and a smoke alarm.

We also left our cleaning products for the next tenant at our old place. We’re going to make our own using vinegar, baking soda and borax. We cleaned our whole apartment with those products and reusable cloths. I have to confess that before, (maybe 2 weeks ago), I was a paper towel addict. I always used paper towels because they were so easy. To get ready for no garbage cleaning I made some “paper towels” by cutting up our old bath towels. Now when there’s a little spill I can use a “paper towel” but wash it after, when I have enough for a full load in the washer, so it’s ready to be reused.

We also painted the new apartment with Boomerang recycled paint. We already had rollers left over from our last move and didn’t need to buy much else. We used some newspaper to protect the floor but were able to move the same few pieces of paper around the apartment with us so they were well-used before they got recycled.

After the move we had a small bag of garbage to throw out containing, among other things, the old toilet seat, (soft, foam, pink), and a falling-apart paint roller.

Now, the experience starts for real!

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